Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Walt Disney-Pixar Merger - 2965 Words

Walt Disney-Pixar Merger Brief Industry Analysis Because of the technology nowadays, one successful film can be distributed all over the world, which is in a form of motion pictures or DVD. Animation is one media that is spread all over the world; push it to be one of fastest growing industry. The demand for the animation is increasing from the emerging number of cables and satellite TV and the popularity of The Internet. In addition, in the past, the target market of the animation industry was just kids, but now, it expands market to cover all ages of customers. The companies can be range from a big company such as Walt Disney to an individual artist with a PC. The trend of the industry has changed from drawing and†¦show more content†¦The company was about the film and entertainment. On February 3rd, 1986, Steve Jobs purchased the computer graphics unit of Lucasfilm, Ltd for $10 million to establish as independent company, Pixar. Moreover, Ed Catmull who had worked with Lucasfilm was co-founder and chief technical officer of Pixar. The company’s objective is to develop computer animated feature films that make all types of audiences memorable with characters and stories by using technology and creative talent. Therefore, Pixars team came up with several software innovations, which were used to create numerous of products. In 1987, The Pixar short was introduced, Red’s Dream. This short film received the Golden Gate Award for Best of Category, Computer-Generated Imagery at the San Francisco International Film Festival, and also won a Golden Nicas at the Prix Ars Electonica Festival in Austria. In 1988, Tin Toy won an Academy Award for Best Animated Short film. It got the first prize for computer-assisted animation at the Third Los Angeles International Animation Celebration and also the Blue Ribbon Award from the American Film and Video Association. In 1989, Knick Knack and RenderMan were launched, and the first commercial was made. Furthermore, in July, CEO of Pixar, Steve Jobs wanted to increase the company’s capabilities, so he collaborated with the San Francisco-based Colossal Pictures who experience in broadcastShow MoreRelatedMerger Between Walt Disney and Pixar1070 Words   |  5 Pagesresearching the information on Disney and Pixar, I came across some differences between Steve Jobs and Michael Eisner regarding how the two companies will work together. Going through the articles that I have read through they all show that Disney and Pixar has always been competing against each other on who can make the best animated motion picture. Here is a little history Disney has always been about producing animated features and live-action movies and as for Pixar they have always produced computer-animatedRead MoreMerger1346 Words   |  6 PagesMerger, Acquisition, and International Strategies Shonia L. 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