Saturday, April 11, 2020

IB Extended Essay History Topics

IB Extended Essay History TopicsIf you are serious about your IB Extended Essay and your preparation is too strong for your normal subjects, you can always choose IB Extended Essay History topics. Here are some of the topics that will help you concentrate more on writing effective essays.The most common topic in IB is on the history of South Asia. The essays prepared by students are drawn from the pages of history books that have been published in India. The topic is basically a systematic account of different periods in the history of South Asia. Some of the basic questions that you should ask when preparing your IB essay on South Asia are - How long was South Asia part of India? What were the results of the various Indian occupations?Another popular topic for IB is the interactions between India and the other world powers in the World War. As such, you will have to come up with some interesting questions that will draw out the various aspects of the relationship between India and t he other world powers.IB also concentrates on social and cultural issues, such as the history of religion, caste, politics, race and economy. As such, you will have to cover a wide range of topics that deal with subjects like art, architecture, literature, history, arts, religions, philosophies, and science. You will have to examine the political-economic problems faced by the people and the various aspects of social development of the people. You will also have to look at the reasons behind the development of different areas.IB also concentrates on studies of science and technology. This is because of the fact that this is an area where we can compare different cultures and societies, which can only be achieved through historical research.IB is not just about writing good essays, you also have to write convincing essays that will persuade your readers and bosses. Your essays must be capable of persuading your audience to look at your work with respect.It is therefore important that you try to choose the IB History topics that will prove most useful for you. This is an excellent way of learning all you need to know about Indian history, as well as the other history topics. Therefore, it would be best if you take the IB Essay History Course that will guide you in the right direction.

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